Saint Catherine's Open Election Positions
for 2013-2014 School Year!
The following positions are open for election for the 2013-2014 school year. Each position is a two year term. Please consider running for one of these positions. Below is a brief description of the positions duties. The positions typically do not require a lot of time, yet the contribution to the School and our children is enormous.
Please contact a current board member, Ms. Kerwin, or myself to submit your name for a position.
1. President- The President presides at all meetings of the Association and of the Board. The President performs any and al such duties as generally associated with the office of President. The President is also an ex-officio member of the Parish Finance Committee and the School Advisory Committee and is expected to attend these meetings.
2. Secretary- The Secretary keeps the minutes of all meetings of the Board an reports the minutes at the Executive Board meetings. The Secretary handles all the correspondence of the Association and performs other secretarial duties designated by the President and the Executive Board. The Secretary sends out the minutes of te previous Executive Board Meeting at least one week prior to the next scheduled Board meeting. The Secretary will provide the agenda for each Board meeting 2 days prior to the meeting.
3. Assistant Fundraising- A recently created position. To assist the primary chair of fundraising. To learn and assume the responsibilities of the primary chair upon expiration of their term.
4. Legislation- To gather information pertaining to federal, state, and local activities affecting the school, and to act when necessary regarding legislation.
5. Volunteers- To recruit new volunteers in all areas. To implement communications as needed. To coordinate class mothers, assisting the principal and teachers for various duties, such as class trips, parties and class aides. Also, to coordinate volunteer assistance for Board sponsored events and activities.
6. At-Large (one seat) - To assist functions sponsored by the Association. To assist on committes and with special projects, such as 50/50, nominations committees and family fun night as well as other items assigned by the Board.
Thank you
Tony Prinzo
HSA President
HSA Executive Board 2012-2013 listed below:
President: Tony Prinzo
Vice President: Mary Bresadola
Secretary: Angela Sanducci
Treasurer: Colleen McElroy
Athletic Director: Mark Raum
Communications: Marleny LaGala
Fundraising: Mary Peters, Cindy Hynd
Legislation: Marie Sgobba
Spiritual Life: Diane Raum
Hospitality: Lorre Pontoriero
50/50: Lisa Ingalls and Jeaneen Dwyer
Volunteers: Karen Hasbani
Members at Large: Kathy Salerno, Lori Watkins, Karen McGowan, & Nicole Onofrietti
Principal: Celine Kerwin
Faculty Representative: Sr. Mary Claire